I've seen a lot of string art floating around Pinterest and decided to take a stab at it. It was quick, I had all I needed on hand and a great result!
To make your own you need:
- A piece of wood (I used a piece of scrap 2x8 and quickly painted it with craft paints)
- Nails (I used 3/4 inch, they are $.97 at Walmart)
- Hammer
- A large printed letter (I printed it from word font Lucida Handwriting size 500)
- String, Yarn, Embroidery Floss, whatever you have
First I measured my wood to see how big I wanted my letter and then used Word and printed a large "K" (for my last name). Then you place you letter on you wood and nail through the paper in each corner of you letter. This holds the paper in place
Then continue to nail about every 1/2 inch or so until you fill your entire letter
After that you rip you paper off!
Then tie your string to one nail and start wrapping!!
I used a pencil eraser at some points to help hold my string down as I was wrapping
Tie off your end and tuck it under and you're done!
This project would be great for older kids learning to use a hammer and nails!
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