Looking for a way to get more out of General Conference?
I wanted a little something for Bud to follow to help him maybe get a little more out of conference. I found a few conference packets on Sugardoodle.net at the conference page. But I found one that was my favorite here: General Conference Activity Cards. After printing it out I decided that I'm going to print one for N8 and I as well. It has a place to put the choir info, a word search, a page for each apostle, color the ties page and your testimony(16 printed pages that you cut in half). Hopefully this will help us all get a little more from conference this year!

While I was searching on Sugardoodle I also found 2 other "quiet" type books to make. The first is an article of faith book. Each article of faith has a image to help you remember the basics of that particular article of faith. Then on the back it has the entire article of faith. I laminated them and put a colored piece of card stock to make them more colorful. Benjamin at one point in time could say all of his articles of faith and can still do them with a little bit of help, but it's great practice.

The other is the 1st Presidency and Quorum of the 12's pictures then on the back a little info like: birthday, mission, marriage and interesting facts. I though this would be great for the kids to be more familiar with their faces and learn a little more about their lives. These I also laminated (I love my laminator!) and put some colored card stock with them as well. You can find it here.