Last week I saw on a rubber bands posted on a deal site. I checked it out and was curious what they were for. It turns out you can make pretty awesome little bracelets out of rubber bands! I ordered my rubber bands from the rainbow loom website, but only ordered rubber bands and "c" clips, no loom. You don't need a loom to make regular rubber band bracelet or the fishtail rubber band bracelet. My 8 year old and her 10 year old friend had a blast making them.

So you need a bunch of rubber bands (I ordered the mixed pack but will be ordering more in specific colors) and clips. Each back ordered from rainbow loom comes with 25 "c" clips.
Pick out your colors, if doing an alternating pattern 2 take the 2 different colors and lay them on top of each other.Then loop them through each other and pull tight.
Then take your next color fold it in half and slid it through one end
continue doing this with alternating colors until you reach your desired length.
Then slide a "c" clip on the one end, then the other.
To make a fishtail:
Take one color and put it on your middle finger, twist it once and put the other side on your index finger.
Then place 2 more rubber bands on you finger, no twisting (I chose alternating colors, but have also done a rainbow).
Then take once side of the bottom rubber band and pull it to the middle, taking it off your finger. Do that to the other side. You should now have 1 rubber band in the middle and two on your fingers.
Add another rubber band to your finger (NO TWISTING AFTER THE FIRST RUBBER BAND!) and pull the bottom rubber band to off and to the middle.
Continue, and you begin to see the fishtail!
Continue to you desire length and attach a "c" clip.

This is a great craft for any age, for boys and girls, preteen, teen and adult. Buy rubber bands in your school colors, holidays, the sky is the limit!
Linked up at: The Girl Creative, Classy Clutter, sugarbeecrafts, Ginger Snap Crafts
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